Medicaid Planning

Navigate Medicaid with Confidence

Don't let long-term care costs drain your hard-earned assets. Strategic planning can proactively secure your financial well-being and help you navigate the complexities of Medicaid with confidence.

Why Plan?

Early Action, Lasting Security

Don’t lose control of your long-term care. Preplanning for Medicaid will not only save you thousands of dollars, but will preserve your legacy.

Protect your ability to choose where and when you received care by preplanning with Cleveland Elder Law

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to questions we hear most often about Medicaid, and planning for a secure financial future: 

Why should I think about Medicaid eligibility when I just retired?

Preplanning for Medicaid can help save you tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in long-term care costs.  Early action will not only preserve your legacy, but also will give you peace of mind that your family and your assets are protected

Will Medicaid cover my long-term care expenses?

Medicaid can cover long-term care expenses for eligible individuals, but there are specific criteria and regulations that must be met. Generally, Medicaid covers long-term care services such as nursing home care, home health care, and personal care services for individuals who meet income and asset eligibility requirements set by their state. It's important to consult with a Medicaid planning attorney to understand how Medicaid eligibility works in your state and to determine if you qualify for coverage

Can I just give my assets away and still qualify for Medicaid?

The answer is, maybe, but only if it’s done correctly. The law has penalties for people who simply give away their assets to create Medicaid eligibility. In Ohio, for example, every $6,570 given away during the five years prior to a Medicaid application creates a one-month period of ineligibility. So even though the federal Gift Tax laws allow you to give away up to $14,000 per year without gift tax consequences, those gifts could result in a period of ineligibility for Ohio Medicaid of over two months

Empower your future: Begin Medicaid Pre-planning Today!

Contact us for personalized guidance.